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Bookworm Central Bookstore

sp-C髆ics de ciencia: Perros: De depredadores a protectores



Explores the history and many species of dogs, describing their physical characteristics and discussing how they act and what they eat.

Publisher Marketing:
Conoce a Rudy, un perro muy amigable que, en persecuci贸n de su pelota, emprender谩 un viaje en el tiempo para llevarte a conocer todo sobre su especie, desde sus or铆genes hasta la personalidad de las razas y los perros individuales. Pero eso no es todo: el recorrido sobre la evoluci贸n y las caracter铆sticas de los canes sirve de pretexto para hablar de gen茅tica, de la selecci贸n natural y la domesticaci贸n, y para entender si es la naturaleza gen茅tica o la crianza lo que determina los rasgos de comportamiento de cada individuo.

Meet Rudy the friendly dog! While chasing his ball, he embarks on a journey through time that will teach him all about his species, from its origins to the personalities of individual dogs and breeds. But that's not all: this exploration of the evolution and characteristics of dogs is a chance to talk about genetics, from natural selection to domestication, and to understand whether genetics or environment determine everyone's behaviors.

Product Details


ISBN鈥13: 9786075570235

Publisher: Oceano Historias Graficas

Publication Date: Sep-2020

Pages: 128

Lexile Level: 0000

Ages: 08 - 12