Welcome to St. Mary’s School’s Online Bookstore!

Click the link below to find your teacher's wish list!

Each year, St. Mary's School participates in the City of Rockville Toy Drive to help less fortunate families in the Rockville community.  Annually our community collects over 200 toys to donate.  This year, due to the pandemic, the city has had to make adjustments and is not collecting toys.  Please consider donating a book or two by selecting a book of your choice from the Rockville book list linked below. The books will be delivered to our school and then to a needy family with children in the Rockville community this Christmas.  While times may be different, we can still make a difference as a school to make a difference in our community.  

Mrs. Conway

Ms. Rodda's Wishlist

Mrs. Means 2nd Grade Wish List

Mrs. Barr's Wish List

Saint Mary's School First Grade

Miss Glynn's Wish List

Rockville Holiday Book Drive

Mrs. K PreK

Mrs. Sweet Kindergarten

Catholic Titles Adult

Catholic Titles Angels-Grade3

Catholic Titles Grades4-8