
Dive into the world of Spanish literature with Bibliocitos, our curated monthly book subscription.


What is Bibliocitos?


A unique monthly book subscription tailored to nurture a love for Spanish reading. Each month, receive handpicked Spanish books that promise to enlighten, entertain, and educate.

Benefits of the Bibliocitos Program

Expand Knowledge:

Dive deeper into the richness of the Spanish language and culture.

Enhance Home Libraries:

Build a diverse collection of both authentic and translated Spanish titles.


Deepen Appreciation:

Cultivate a genuine love for Spanish literature.

Encourage Reading:

Foster a lifelong reading habit in a language that’s spoken by millions worldwide.


Frequently Asked Questions

Bibliocitos is a monthly book subscription program by Bookworm Central, specially curated to enhance children’s Spanish home libraries and deepen their appreciation for Spanish language books.

Our team of experts handpicks a mix of authentic and translated Spanish titles, ensuring a diverse and enriching reading experience for your child each month.

While the books are curated by our team to ensure variety and quality, we always welcome feedback and suggestions to tailor the experience to your child’s interests.